Engage in thought-provoking discussions at our exclusive TEDx session.
TEDXIISERBPR 2024 serves as a platform where interconnected actions yield significant effects, embodying our theme of "Trophic Cascade. With the tagline "Unveiling the Chain Reaction," this year's event is dedicated to exploring how individual actions and ideas can lead to profound, far-reaching transformations. "Trophic Cascade" refers to the powerful chain reactions triggered by individual actions, decisions, and ideas. TEDxIISERBPR aims to amplify voices of innovation and inquiry by bringing together diverse perspectives, showcasing the interconnectedness of ideas and their potential to ignite transformative change. Each speaker at TEDxIISERBPR is a thought leader and pioneer, sharing transformational ideas and experiences that spark intellectual and inspiring energy, leaving a lasting Impact beyond the event. Every discussion challenges the status quo, promotes interconnected thinking, and demonstrates the potential of ideas to drive significant change. At TEDXIISERBPR, every contribution, no matter how small, sets off a chain reaction that builds momentum for meaningful change. Together, we can uncover the chain reactions that lead to revolutionary outcomes, shaping a shared future filled with impactful change